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The Modular Medical MANAGEMENT System (SGMM) has modules integrated to a source that can be executed in a decentralized manner, but maintaining the channels and pathways for integrations with each other.

The Advantage of the SGMM, is that apart from being modular, each module is designed to fit quickly with the rest, so when integrating a new module, it is done almost automatically, just Our technicians specify that Modulo integrates, executes it and the system does the rest on its own, which allows the Institution to avoid problems of Integration according to its needs.

The SGMM and other modules developed for it by friendly companies, such as billing modules, turn module, among others, is used as a complementary suite by institutions that already had the traditional PACS, which makes that the SGMM, does not compete with these solutions, but is even able to work together and without the need for costly Software migration.